Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dharma....with a dish of Cornflakes

Home. Home from journeying, but my heart is so fully still on the journey! How to explain this? Love flows like an unending river, and I am but a small boat upon it.

Returning last Sunday from a week of a dream on an island retreat in Greece, space/time distorted with the long soak in the teachings and the Aegean sea....this is more of a poem than a story, and I don't know how else to sing it.

A day after I returned, Scott returned glowing and tired from Warrior Assembly at Karme Choling. A few hours later, Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche and his lovely Dubgyud Lama (attendant) arrived on our doorstep and have been living with us ever since.

So, dharma with a dish of cornflakes has been the theme of the week.

What can I say? I've barely returned from the journey, have not had any downtime, have not had a chance to absorb the richness of all that I received and encountered upon the journey and the journey upon my very own doorstep has been so rich that in some ways, I feel I am just spinning, spinning, spinning in the present moment, and there is just nothing else, no ground, no mind, no no-mind.

Forgive this warrior if she makes no sense right now!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Sarah Wow a joy to be touched by your stories as tears flow Margaret
